The twelfth Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of Friday, 13 April 2018, is extracted below. It is the first newsletter for Term 2 Download Newsletter 12 as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
The eleventh Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of Wednesday, 28 March 2018, is extracted below. It is the final newsletter for Term 1 Download Newsletter 11 as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
Here is the recently elected School Governing Body at Camps Bay High School. They are: Back row, from left: B. Williams, W. Thetard, C. Harvey, D. de Korte (Principal), L. Mostert (Deputy [...]
Dear Past Pupils An update from your old school is long overdue. So here is some news and views from Camps Bay High School. First of all, we want to reconnect with our past pupils and so are [...]