The updated Price List for the Camps Bay Schools Clothing Shop, effective as of the beginning of December 2020, is extracted below. Download the Camps Bay Schools Clothing Shop Price List as a [...]
Camps Bay High School held a virtual Founders Day Assembly over the internet. Details of this interesting and feature-filled video are in the latest Camps Bay High School Newsletter 15 ‹‹here››. [...]
On Friday, 17 April 2020, Camps Bay High School held a virtual School Assembly over the internet. View the CBHS School Assembly of 17 April 2020 via the Google Drive ‹‹here››. You will need to [...]
Following a recent announcement, every South African website must prominently promote the South African Government Portal on Covid-19. On that website you will find news, statistics, resources [...]
The new Price List for the Camps Bay Schools Clothing Shop, effective as of the beginning of November 2019, is extracted below. Download the Camps Bay Schools Clothing Shop Price List as a PDF [...]