Dear Past Pupils, It has been a while since we have made contact. The purpose of this email is to update you on some developments in the Past Pupils Union. We are delighted to announce that Past [...]
On Friday, 9th February 2018, on a cooler day, the Inter-House Athletics tournament took place at Camps Bay High School. As has become tradition, each house was given the opportunity to do a war [...]
The Past Pupils Sports Day took place from 08h30 on Saturday, 9 September 2017, at Camps Bay High School. The event included rugby, netball, soccer and hockey matches, and was followed by [...]
The Camps Bay High School Past Pupils Newsletter for September, that of Tuesday, 7 September 2017, is extracted below. It contains the Programme details of the Past Pupils Sports Day that takes [...]
A second Camps Bay High School Past Pupils Newsletter for August, that of Tuesday, 29 August 2017, is extracted below. Download it as a PDF file ‹‹here››.