Colin Harvey has served Camps Bay High School’s School Governing Body as it’s chairperson for the past thirteen years. On 11 October 2018 he presented his final outgoing speech at [...]
The twelfth Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of Friday, 13 April 2018, is extracted below. It is the first newsletter for Term 2 Download Newsletter 12 as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
The eleventh Camps Bay High School Newsletter, of Wednesday, 28 March 2018, is extracted below. It is the final newsletter for Term 1 Download Newsletter 11 as a PDF file ‹‹here››.
In accord with the critical need to save water in Cape Town at present, the Representative Council of Learners (RCL) at Camps Bay High School have produced this video. Thanks to Katelyn Harvey [...]
Here is the recently elected School Governing Body at Camps Bay High School. They are: Back row, from left: B. Williams, W. Thetard, C. Harvey, D. de Korte (Principal), L. Mostert (Deputy [...]