CBHS 2018 Matric Results – 6 Jan ’19

Camps Bay High School’s Matric Class of 2018 achieved a 99.2% pass rate (just one failure out of 130 students) and 84.6% of the students received Bachelors Passes.

In total, the class received 190 Distinctions.

16 students achieved an A aggregate and 34 students achieved a B aggregate which means that close to 40% of the class received higher than a B aggregate.

32 Students received more than 3 distinctions each.

The Top Five students had all started their schooling at Camps Bay Primary School.

The Top Five students achieved averages of 92.3%, 87.9%, 87.6 %, 87.0% and 86.0%.

The Top Student – Ben Heather Clarke received 97% for Physics, 96% for Life Orientation, 94% for Life Science and 90% for English.

Alice Thesen and Rachel Volkel both received 99% for History and Caleb Thetard received 91% for Mathematics.

Said Camps Bay High School Principal, Mr. David De Korte, “We are incredibly proud of all our students and the hard work they put into their final exams. The enrollment at Camps Bay High School is not focused on the top academic achievers in Cape Town and so we get a mixed bag of results. Obviously we would have loved to have once again had a 100% pass rate but sometimes that just isn’t possible. We pride ourselves on being a school where there is a place for you regardless of your academic achievements and it is our goal to create well-rounded young people who can go on to contribute productively to our society.

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